Thursday, July 23, 2009


So before we left New Zealand, Eunice gave us this whole talk on reentry and how it might suck. Well, it doesn't suck quite as much as all that, although I do get madly "homesick" for New Zealand (New Zealandsick?) at times.

However, I do spend a fair bit of time wondering why we don't have outlets that switch on and off. I still look right first before crossing the street or pulling out at an intersection, so I just have to look every which way several times before going anywhere! I've finally started moving to the righthand side of the stairs at work when I'm going up and someone else is coming down (or vice versa), but my gut instinct is still to move to the left when I encounter someone on the sidewalk. I've stopped saying "tea" for "dinner," but I still type with the British S and U. I sometimes say "zed." I have nearly remastered Fahrenheit temperatures and am in fact losing my Celsius conversions rather rapidly. There was a little overlap period in there during which I had no concept of temperature at all.

I think that as long as I am in Juneau, which is beautiful like New Zealand, I will be okay. As for reentry to Rochester... that is entirely a different kettle of fish.

You know, I never went to that little bookstore that had a pottery section. Well, I guess I'll just have to go back!

For those of you still following, 1) I'm impressed, and 2) the All Blacks beat the Wallabies last week, 22-16 in Auckland! They next play (possibly tomorrow?) in South Africa against the Springboks. Right now is tri-nations, which means they'll just be playing Australia and South Africa for a while.

That's all for now!

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