Thursday, September 10, 2009

The original rock and roll

So, the number of times I have signed in to blogger, opened a new post, and then typed nothing since my last post is... four. I have been really busy, but nothing seems interesting enough to put on a blog. But it's your fault for reading this, so SUFFER!

1) Threadless t-shirts were nine dollars yesterday for 09/09/09. The title of this post comes from this shirt:

2) I was interrupted between items (1) and (2), as you can see by the fact that yesterday was not 09/09/09, and have no idea what item (2) was supposed to be.

3) I joined water polo, which is heaps of fun! Actually, funny story, I am all kinds of sore today, but that is related to

4) I'm on an intramural soccer team. I know, right!? Plot twist! Lisa + Team Sports = Big Disaster. But Talor (structure graduate student) really wanted to play soccer and needed more people (specifically girls). We had a practice yesterday because Julia and I had never played before (except for the occasional fencing scrimmage). So, water polo on Thursday made my arms and legs sore. Strangely, though I've never been sore from fencing (stiff, yes, sore, no), starting sore made me end even MORE sore. So now my legs are like, hurrrrrgh. Then I went to soccer which made everything else that wasn't sore sore. But it's the good kind of sore, so that's okay. I scored a goal yesterday! Actually, it was pretty funny. We started with a scrimmage. Julia and I were pretty bad. We practiced passing and some other stuff. Then we scrimmaged again. We were four against three, Julia and I on a team with probably the best player, though it's hard to tell at this point. It seemed silly to not only put Julia and me on the same team but to also put us on the three person team. But they must have known what they were doing because Julia scored a goal straightaway, and then five minutes later, I scored a goal. I maybe scored another goal at the end, but the goal consisted of a water bottle and a shoe, so it was questionable whether or not the goal was too high. We have our first game on Thursday. I will be jelly for that game, since I am going directly from water polo.

5) The All Blacks lost the Tri-Nations. I don't want to talk about it. I just want to cry about it.

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