Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Still in Juneau, but thought I would write briefly about how the streets look like rivers. Calling it a flood *is* a bit extreme, since the illusion is created by only an inch or two of water.

What happened is this: we had a foot a day of snow for a week, the city was not down with clearing the snow, and then it all warmed up. Now everything is super slushy and melting, and since there are no level surfaces in downtown Juneau, all the water is rushing, making all the streets look like rivers.

I had photos of everything, but I had a misunderstanding with my camera and computer that resulted in deleting all my photos, including a really stellar one of Devon with Jesse, Jemmy, and Jaime. It actually just happened, and I just finished hyperventilating about it, because the snow was really ridiculously high, the highest I can ever remember it being in my life, and I was so careful to document it, along with the mega icicles that formed outside my kitchen window, and those icicles are so long gone... But it's okay. These things happen. I think that Devon has this superpower to get rid of photos he feels were a lapse in his judgment.

For example: I had this great photo of him with a flower behind his ear, and it was on my phone. Then, my phone was stolen. There's no tack on my stool before he moves, and after he moves, there's a tack! Coincidence? I think not!

Anyway, so, sorry, I had some awesome photos to share with you, but no longer. Blame Devon!

In other news, those of you who have met Blackjack, I have a new friend for him! Ben got me the white pig! Actually, it's quite a bit different from the white pig that was lost to clutches of Angelica, as I think the manufacturers have changed designs since Blackjack was created, but it's still really cute and square and, most importantly, bouncy. That was the first thing I tested, actually...

I haven't decided on its gender. I'm leaning heavily toward male, in which case its name will be either: Cecil or Uno. Uno if I decide to stick with the card games theme and Cecil if not. If it's a girl, I think I'll name it Hannelore after my favorite character in the online comic Questionable Content by Jeph Jacques. Before you're like, Hannelore, what kind of crazy name is that, she goes by Hanners for short, which I think is a pretty cute pig name. Feel free to comment, but I think Uno will emerge victorious.

I lead a boring life, sorry. I figure only Ben is reading at this point, so I can write whatever I feel like until I get to New Zealand. I'm off to make a Shaun the Sheep montage!

Oh, for next time, I may take up a suggestion Sparky gave me, and add some pictures. I'm going to see if I can find my old Radium Man sketches and redraw them for you guys. Maybe add a little commentary, because some of the things are really hilarious except that I can't draw them well enough for it to make sense. Like, the main baddie is Bromine, and he sits in a halogen lamp of evil, which is hahaha because bromine is a halogen, but how in Douglas Adams' name do you draw a halogen lamp such that it is indisputably a halogen lamp? But then maybe having commentary like that is like explaining a joke... kills the joy. Have you ever had to explain the hydrogen joke to somebody? You know, the two atoms walking along and one falls down and loses an electron, and is he sure, and yes, he's positive? It's nerdy, it's a terrible pun, it's short, it's beautiful. And then when you have to explain it to someone, it is a little bit painful, because it really doesn't sound that funny all dissected like that.

Holy long tangent, Batman! Bye for reals now! Check back soon for Radium Man!

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