Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mystery Party - to the moon and back

So, after the mystery party, I always go through this stage that is like, "No more mystery party... murrrrr." Even though it is crazy hectic and sometimes a little bit stressful, when it's all over, there's just this lull. So, to celebrate a successful mystery party, here are some highlights from the mystery parties Shalom and I have written together. I'm not giving any context, so I apologise if they are really confusing. I find them really entertaining, but then... I helped write them.

Erin as Olive de Bois, 2006:
I saw Max ninja Shalom to death! Hi-yah!
Max as Kilroy Kilstein,
2006: [Perform a random act of Ninjaness on Devon.]
Devon as Alcid Aves,
2006: Brother Cornelius told me that Erin killed Shalom! Puffins don’t lie!
From Matt's final reveal as Don Morto,
2006: He cannot take time out of his busy schedule to off every KGB member that comes his way.
From Max's final reveal as Kilroy Kilstein,
2006: Martinis_for_Jesus1500 had to die. ... Sensing danger with his ninja intuition, Max quickly jumped atop his refrigerator.

Ethan as Freddy, 2007: Luke... I am your brother.
From Matt's final reveal as Lucas R. Naught, 2007:
Luke, miserable and confused, drank enough to inebriate a blue whale.
Heather as ViVi, 2007:
Between him and Scarlet, your art is selling like tickets to a talkie.
Erin as Madame Violet, 2007:
You always thought you and Arthur had a supernatural connection.
From Erin's final reveal as Madame Violet, 2007:
Shocked at what she had done, Violet nursed the doll back to health as best she could. [yes, a voodoo doll :)]
From my final reveal as Scarlet White, 2007:
She was Arthur’s right-hand girl, but, unfortunately for Scarlet, Arthur was left-handed.

Jordan as Jordan, 2009: Grant, are you wearing underwear right now?
Grant as Grant, 2009:
They stole the stamp with my signature on it and I think they are forging documents!
Matt as Matt, 2009:
In some ancient cultures, it is considered respectful to eat the dead because then their strength and wisdom become part of you. Like a Jedi. Devon will always be with you.
Grant as Grant, 2009:
One day, you will be the Phantom Smile!
And last but not least, my favourite, from a clue, Ethan to Erin, 2009:

Promise me you'll think about it. Roman may have wealth, land, two handsome children, and a huge amount of trust in your fidelity, but my love is to the moon and back! And I don't mean Earth's moon, I mean Charon, the moon of Pluto. So. Think about it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Zealand

"Nu Zeelind is ruled by Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement (leaders of the political party Flight of the Conchords') who demand to be called the Hiphoppopotamus and the Rhymenoceros (reverent titles in the New Zealish language)."

From the Uncyclopedia:

Because I cannot let go of New Zealand. I would check out the New Zealand alphabet, under Language, and Rugby, under Sport.

"Technological exports include: 1. Conchords."

Monday, August 17, 2009

Five Hundred


Guess what I just found out!? My uncles both know how to play 500 because they grew up playing it on Kauai!!! Apparently the boys of the west side of Kauai all played 500 and the east side played Trumps. Hahaha!

In related news, on Shalom's last night in Juneau, she, Grant, Devon, and I played 500 for almost five hours. Because we are cool.

Well, that's all, I just wanted to share that strangeness...When I encountered 500 in New Zealand, I did NOT expect it to be originated from the United States! I figured that, like everything else in New Zealand, it originated from somewhere in Europe. But no, according to Wikipedia, it was invented in 1904 by the U.S. Playing Card Company! When Bridge was invented, 500 was phased out in America but is still popular in Australia, New Zealand, and French Canada.

Also, apparently the two jacks are not called the left and right hand "bows" or "boughs," as I thought, but "boweRs!" That's what happens when you learn words from Kiwis :p Also the same with gaffer tape... I thought it was "gaffa tape" until I saw it written.

Although, Nick spells it "bow." Do we trust Nicknick? Actually, he makes a fair point... "Bower," even in New Zealand English, would end in a schwa. Maybe it is just a word evolution and it has actually become "bow."

If you don't know how to play 500, ask me when you see me and we will play. It. Is. Awesome.

Unrelated, but Tasman v. Canterbury Air New Zealand Cup game this weekend!!! GO CANTERBURY! Sorry, Nick, but you know where my loyalty lies :) They are playing in Christchurch. Who has two thumbs and wishes she could go to the game!?!? THIS GIRL!

Okay, all, thanks for reading, I'll see you next time.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I would just like to share this post to FML:

Today, I literally stopped traffic. I was crossing the street and a butterfly landed on me. Being phobic of butterflies, I had a panic attack in the middle of the road. Oh, and I am 17, captain of our football team, and in very good shape. My girlfriend laughed the hardest. FML

In other news, the mystery party was AMAZING! I... don't think that any of them actually have this address, but all the same, thank you to Erin for hosting and playing, Matt, Jordan, Grant, and Heather for playing, Shane for doing an awesome job filling in, and of course Shalom for being an awesome co-creator and -writer! It's too bad Mac couldn't be there to fill his own role, but I understand completely. Ethan showed up to his own murder, and Shane actually cracked the case at the end! For those of you curious, it was Heather with the gun in the janitor's closet.

Now that the mystery party is over, I'm a little bit at loose ends until Monday, when Transparent Devices reopens. I leave next Sunday. I hope someone with a car wants to go to Chipotle, because the IES group has made me soooo curious about it, and Chipotle just opened in Rochester! Also I hope someone with a car picks me up at the airport... I should really look into that.

I MISS NEW ZEALAND! I've been watching Flight of the Conchords ALL the time, and I don't know if that makes it better or worse! On the plus side, I've figured out how to fold toilet paper, so. That's all for now, bye-o!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Mystery Party


In anticipation of the mystery party on Thursday, I am going to briefly outline what it is we do. When I was in high school, my group of friends went through all of these "How to Host a Murder Mystery" games. They are written for eight people to play eight suspects. Each character is given information that incriminates themselves (conceals) and information that incriminates the others (reveals). When the group has played through all four rounds of information, there are accusations, and then all is revealed. They have themes, like Ancient Roman or Wild West. But we long ago finished all of the professionally made ones.

So Shalom and I wrote our own three years ago. It took place in present day Juneau. We wrote it for Erin, Matt, Max, Lindsay, and Devon with Shalom (Sasha Milovski) as the victim. The next year, we wrote a mystery for Erin, Ethan, Matt, Heather, Grant, Shalom, and me that took place in the 20s on a yacht with Devon (Arthur Sinclair III) as the victim. We took a year off because I didn't come back until after Shalom left for New Zealand. So now we're back! This year, the theme is Class of 2006 ten year high school reunion. Our players are Erin, Heather, Mac, Matt, Grant, Jordan, Shalom, and me, and the victim is Ethan.

I'll let you know how it goes!