Monday, August 17, 2009

Five Hundred


Guess what I just found out!? My uncles both know how to play 500 because they grew up playing it on Kauai!!! Apparently the boys of the west side of Kauai all played 500 and the east side played Trumps. Hahaha!

In related news, on Shalom's last night in Juneau, she, Grant, Devon, and I played 500 for almost five hours. Because we are cool.

Well, that's all, I just wanted to share that strangeness...When I encountered 500 in New Zealand, I did NOT expect it to be originated from the United States! I figured that, like everything else in New Zealand, it originated from somewhere in Europe. But no, according to Wikipedia, it was invented in 1904 by the U.S. Playing Card Company! When Bridge was invented, 500 was phased out in America but is still popular in Australia, New Zealand, and French Canada.

Also, apparently the two jacks are not called the left and right hand "bows" or "boughs," as I thought, but "boweRs!" That's what happens when you learn words from Kiwis :p Also the same with gaffer tape... I thought it was "gaffa tape" until I saw it written.

Although, Nick spells it "bow." Do we trust Nicknick? Actually, he makes a fair point... "Bower," even in New Zealand English, would end in a schwa. Maybe it is just a word evolution and it has actually become "bow."

If you don't know how to play 500, ask me when you see me and we will play. It. Is. Awesome.

Unrelated, but Tasman v. Canterbury Air New Zealand Cup game this weekend!!! GO CANTERBURY! Sorry, Nick, but you know where my loyalty lies :) They are playing in Christchurch. Who has two thumbs and wishes she could go to the game!?!? THIS GIRL!

Okay, all, thanks for reading, I'll see you next time.

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