Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Mystery Party


In anticipation of the mystery party on Thursday, I am going to briefly outline what it is we do. When I was in high school, my group of friends went through all of these "How to Host a Murder Mystery" games. They are written for eight people to play eight suspects. Each character is given information that incriminates themselves (conceals) and information that incriminates the others (reveals). When the group has played through all four rounds of information, there are accusations, and then all is revealed. They have themes, like Ancient Roman or Wild West. But we long ago finished all of the professionally made ones.

So Shalom and I wrote our own three years ago. It took place in present day Juneau. We wrote it for Erin, Matt, Max, Lindsay, and Devon with Shalom (Sasha Milovski) as the victim. The next year, we wrote a mystery for Erin, Ethan, Matt, Heather, Grant, Shalom, and me that took place in the 20s on a yacht with Devon (Arthur Sinclair III) as the victim. We took a year off because I didn't come back until after Shalom left for New Zealand. So now we're back! This year, the theme is Class of 2006 ten year high school reunion. Our players are Erin, Heather, Mac, Matt, Grant, Jordan, Shalom, and me, and the victim is Ethan.

I'll let you know how it goes!

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