Friday, March 27, 2009

Commentary! The Musical!

Hi! So, not to be a terrible person, but if anybody is like, man, Lisa's birthday is coming up and I don't know what to get her, someone with a U.S. mailing address and fifteen dollars worth of other things they would like to buy off of amazon - eligible for Super Saver Shipping, anyway - you would be totally welcome to get me the Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog DVD, which includes COMMENTARY! THE MUSICAL. I'm trying really hard not to read the lyrics off of the website so that when I do have an opportunity to see it, it will be amazing and new...

So I did already read the lyrics to the first song because I have no restraint, and it looks awesome. For those of you who don't know Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, it stars Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Felicia Day, and I highly recommend it. It was originally written during the writer's strike and is a free-to-see internet musical. You can Google it and the website should come up, which links to Hulu. If Hulu isn't doing the trick, try alluc.

So it is true, in the first song, they say that it is commentaries like these that sell DVDs... because I could watch Dr. Horrible whenever I feel like (but am trying so hard not to while I am here because it will burn through my internet... my internet expires on April 12, so if I have internet left over on the 11th, I am just going to watch Dr. Horrible a ton of times), but I do really want the DVD because I want to hear Commentary! The Musical... I'm such a sucker like that.

In other news, Tamar and I are going to putter around downtown in a little bit, and then purchase tea somewhere downtown so we can go to the beach and have a picnic! Yes! Picnic! At the beach! I love Christchurch!

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