Thursday, March 5, 2009

the open window

In lieu of interesting things to say, I've got a few more things I've noticed that are different here.

1. There are no screens on the windows, ever. Not to keep out insects or keep in babies, they are all just open or shut.

2. It is okay and even normal to take overlapping uni classes. When you enrol (and yeah, they spell it with one l), it's just a little message that says, "Hello, some of your schedule conflicts. Just letting you know it might be a stupid choice! Have fun!" But that's all, you can still enrol in those courses if you think you can handle overlapping classes/obtain a time turner.

3. They love recycling! At every trash receptacle, there are four bins: clean paper, containers, organics, and rubbish. I guess dirty paper is rubbish, I just find it funny that they specify. Anyway, if you have leftover food, throw it in the organics!

4. I haven't gotten conclusive observations on this, but I am beginning to suspect that soda pop is more expensive than beer. On campus, a soda is $3.20. Downtown, you can get a beer for $3.00. But, it could just be that campus is more expensive, which is not at all unlikely.

5. They don't bless! Sam pointed this one out to me, or I wouldn't have noticed, although I started to get a little bit suspicious from the strange looks on the bus... But yeah, when somebody sneezes, everyone's just quiet. For me it's like a shoe falling, who is going to say something? but nobody says anything. What's worse is sometimes I get antsy and say bless you anyway, even though it's not like the culturally appropriate thing to do and also by then it's way delayed so it doesn't even make sense...

That's all for now, folks! I have to go research some mammoths, whoo!

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