Monday, March 9, 2009


Hey, so, I went to the first dance practice tonight! It was pretty packed, but Shalom said that it's like fencing... it will thin. We did modern jive for the first hour, which is like swing but without all the kicking. That part was really awesome.

We started off learning basic steps, and then we would partner off and do the steps with a partner, and then we would switch partners and learn a new move, and then we would switch partners again to practice the new move, and then we would switch partners again to learn a new move, etc. We learned... three, I guess, technically, it seemed like four because one of them is two of the others strung together. It basically gets you moving around to lots of various dance partners. Anyway, so modern jive was lots of fun, I enjoyed myself.

Then we did merengue, which was less fun. I don't know, I just couldn't get the hang of it for some reason. The step step step step I could do, but I couldn't put any of the moves in rhythm with the steps, and I was just a mess at it. Something that is cool though is that I can naturally pick up when things should switch... like if you're stepping to the side and you want to switch directions, you can't just do it on any step, you have to wait until a proper chance in the music, and I couldn't tell you when that is in words, but when the music is on I can tell. So that helped at least. But yeah, not a huge fan of merengue. I guess on Thursday it'll be salsa instead, which I'm excited about.

I was also super productive this morning reading about mammoths, so I was really proud of myself on that. However, my presentation is in just two days, and I'm still not really sure what I'm doing, so... woohoo! I'm actually going to go work on that now, but I'll write again when something remotely interesting happens!

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