Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Who has two thumbs and should be studying for linguistics!?

So yeah, I am procrastinating right now, but I have two stories that I, at least, find interesting.

One is an exchange about wite-out that some of you may have already heard, but bear with me, and the other is a story that showcases how awesome I am.

We'll go with awesome first.

My inbox was full on my phone such that I was not receiving a very important text about the final cricket score. So, I was going through my phone deleting messages, and I deleted all but FOUR of them, and one of them was from Shalom. It was a text in which she said what ink cartridge her printer took from when I saw ink cartridges on sale in Kaikoura. I held on to it because I knew that she still needed ink, and maybe I would see another sale and then I could just buy the one she needed.

Later that day, I was eating lunch with Shalom, and she said, I'm going to go buy an ink cartridge after this. Then we sat there for a very long time eating our vegetable korma (mmmm), and Shalom said, I could just catch the bus from here (instead of going back to Ilam), but I'm not sure what ink cartridge I need. And I was like, HOLD THE PHONE, and I found the number (HP 21!) and Shalom was impressed with my preparedness. For the win!

Okay, so that's one. Yeah, I know, you were expecting something way more awesome than saving Shalom a five minute walk. I lead an exciting life.

The second one can count as "things I've learned that are different about New Zealand and the U.S." for this post. If it says (w) that means written.

Nick: You need twink.
Lisa: What?
Nick: Twink. You need twink.
Lisa: What???
Nick: (w) TWINK
Lisa: What's that?
Nick: What is - ? Twink! You know, like for blanking out mistakes.
Lisa: Ohhhh (w) Wite-out
Nick: Ohh, okay. (w) tipp-ex <-- British.
Lisa: [huh? face]
Nick: (w) tipp-ex <-- brand.
Lisa: ohhh.
Nick: (w) brand <-- typical British
Lisa: [indignant face] (w) Wite-out <-- BRAND.
Nick: (w) oops

So let that be a lesson to the lot of ya! (nobody escapes from Tweedy's farm!... anybody?) When looking for correction fluid in New Zealand, ask for twink!

Also, in other news, guess what I did today *little dance* Yes, it's very exciting... I cut index cards without measuring them first. Yeah. I went there. You know that Garfield strip... Garfield is making fun of Jon and says something like, this from the man whose idea of an adventure is washing his socks without safety pinning them together. Well, I cut index cards in half without making sure it was actually *in half* and I lived. Also, my eyeballing is really good, because they came out pretty stellarly. I was proud of myself. But I still won't open my window at night, not even for a zucchini chocolate chip muffin.

I got a zucchini chocolate chip muffin anyway, and it was DELICIOUS.

Related to the index cards... I am really good at folding paper into threes. I think this is a skill developed from the symphony office, but I can eyeball letter paper into thirds like none other. I should put that on my next CV. Skills: folding office paper into thirds and packratting ancient text messages.

Okay, I am derailing. Back to affricates and spectrograms. Bye!

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