Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So this past weekend, I was in Kaikoura, which is along the coast North of here. I met Kate there, and we had a good weekend!

The hostel was very cute (not as cute as Chez la Mer, but pretty close) and the owners were friendly. We went there first, but left to find breakfast and then seals. We took a walk around Kaikoura (actually around the perimeter of Kaikoura) to see a seal colony and then up and around on the cliffs along the coast and then back to the center of the township. We thought we saw a penguin, but it was a fake penguin. We did get to see the seals, though, and they were pretty awesome!

After that, we went back to the hostel and proceeded to talk for the rest of the evening (we had a lot of catching up to do!). Our Dutch dormmate was in disbelief at how long we managed to talk. He had gone to see the seals about an hour after us and was skunked. He was not very happy about it, which may be why he allowed the Germans to get him so completely wasted. While he and the Germans had a good time, Kate and I played cards with two Canadian backpackers one table over. One of the Canadians was very good at President and liked to sort of boast about it. He was sort of getting on my nerves about it (not because I was sore about not being President, but because it just doesn't seem like the thing to do when you've just met someone), so when he proposed switching to Modified War (ERS, for some of you), I gladly accepted and proceeded to trounce him.

Also, during this time, Kate gave me a carrot and some crackers and some hummus, all of which were excellent.

Then we went to sleep, at just around the same time as a very inebriated Dutch man :) We woke up early to get to the seal swim, which was CANCELED. It was so sad, especially for Kate, who just wanted to swim with some seals! So we ended up going kayaking instead, which turned out to be okay because WE SAW A REAL LIVE PENGUIN, not the fake kind we'd seen the day before or one in a zoo, but a wild little penguin, hanging out in the ocean. Kate: "Hiiii penguin!"

We came back to Chch that afternoon/evening. We both went to a Maori night tutorial to learn about the Southern constellations, which turned out to be really good. The other IES kids sort of had to talk me into it, but I was quite content once I got there. We saw Sirius and Rigel and Betelgeuse and the Southern Cross and Orion and nearly the Pleiades but we lost patience and went back.

The next day (yesterday), we went to Kathmandu Outlet Store, which was CLOSED. I went to class, and when I got back, we waited nearly an hour for BVS to be online... turns out I wasn't specific about WHOSE Tuesday we were Skyping on, so apologies there. Anyway, we eventually found him, and Kate walked up and down some stairs.

So, we had an evacuation drill just now, it was fun.

Now there is a massive skeeter eater in my room that I cannot seem to get rid of. It is too high up to reach with a cup, and possibly also too large, so I am just a little annoyed with it.

Last night, Kate and I watched Futurama, House, The Life of Mammals with David Attenborough, and How I Met Your Mother. All quality television. Then we played Uno, which I obtained for three dollars (one fifty US!) because the cards are cheap and the directions read like the chopstick sleeves at China Buffet. Both the game and the directions are very entertaining. And that was my St. Patrick's Day!

Now I am going to tend to this skeeter eater (I can't sleep with it in here, what if I swallow it!?). Wawa recommended opening the window to let it fly out, but guess what always flies in at night if the windows are open... my best friend the moth. I would gladly take the skeeter eater over the moth any day.

DanRose, why have you not updated your blog.

And to all a good night!


  1. I had a 6-bed "unit" in Wanaka, which means there were 2 rooms of 3 beds, a little living room/eating area, a bathroom, and a kitchen. And our Dutch roommate from Kaikoura was totally in the other room of my unit. The world is small, New Zealand is smaller.

  2. Hahahaha! Was he letting Germans get him drunk?
